In today’s fast-paced work environment training and development are crucial to staying competitive and relevant. But traditional classroom-based training programs can be time-consuming, costly, and may not always meet the needs of mobile employees. This is where bite sized learning, also known as microlearning, comes in.

Discover what bite sized learning is, the benefits of this training approach, how to break down training into bite sized information, and examples of training topics that are great for this approach.

What is bite sized learning?

Bite sized learning is a training approach that delivers information in small, easily digestible portions, usually lasting no more than 10 – 15 minutes. The content is focused on specific learning objectives and can be delivered through a variety of methods, including videos, podcasts, infographics, quizzes, and more.

Bite sized learning is designed to fit into employees’ busy schedules and can be accessed anytime, anywhere, making it ideal for mobile employees who are always on the move. This ensures your employees are not overloaded and overwhelmed with the amount of information they have to learn, and aims to boost longer term information retention.

What is microlearning vs. bite sized learning?

The terms “microlearning” and “bite sized learning” are often used interchangeably, but there is a subtle difference between the two. Microlearning typically refers to the short, individual learning units that are part of a larger training program, whereas bite sized learning typically refers to the complete training program that is delivered in small chunks.

What are the benefits of bite sized training?

1. Increased retention

Bite sized learning delivers information in short bursts, which makes it easier for employees to absorb and retain information. This is because the brain can only process a limited amount of information at a time, and bite sized learning ensures that employees are not overloaded with information.

2. Improved engagement

Bite sized learning is designed to be interactive and engaging, which helps to keep employees motivated and interested in the training content. This is particularly important for mobile employees who may have limited time and many priorities competing for their attention.

3. Flexibility

Bite sized learning can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and on any device, making it ideal for deskless employees who may only have access to their smartphone, as opposed to a laptop. This flexibility also means that employees can learn at their own pace and in their own time, which can improve their overall learning experience.

4. Cost effectiveness

Bite sized learning is often more cost effective than traditional classroom-based training programs because it requires fewer resources to deliver this training content, and avoids pulling employees away from work for extended periods of time. This is particularly important for small and medium-sized businesses that may have limited budgets for training and development.

5. Easy to update

Bite sized learning content can be easily updated and modified, which means that it can be kept up-to-date with the latest information and trends. This is important for topics that may change frequently, such as workplace safety and cybersecurity.

Deliver bite sized learning to your teams, right from their smartphones.

Deliver competency based training to employees directly from their smartphones.

How do you break down training into bite sized information?

One of the biggest challenges in training is keeping employees engaged and ensuring they retain the information they need to do their jobs effectively. Bite sized learning is a powerful tool that helps overcome this challenge.

Breaking down training into smaller, more manageable pieces allows employees to absorb information more easily, and review it more frequently for increased memory retention. Here are some tips for breaking down training into bite sized information:

  1. Identify the main points

    Start by identifying the most important points of the course. These points should be clear, concise, and actionable. Make a list of these points and organize them into a logical sequence.

  2. Condense the information

    Once you have identified the main points, condense the information into a format that is easy to digest. Use lists and steps instead of complete sentences or paragraphs to explain things. Keep the language simple and avoid jargon. If you include examples, try to keep them short and relevant.

  3. Use visual aids

    Visual aids can be incredibly helpful in breaking down information into bite sized pieces. Consider using graphics, charts, and images to illustrate your points. Visual aids can make the information more engaging and easier to remember. Visual aids can replace written examples to reduce information overload.

Bite sized learning examples

There are many different types of bite sized learning that you can use in your training programs. Here are some examples:

Mobile flashcards

These are a great way to break down information into bite-sized pieces that employees can carry on their smartphones. You can use flash cards to quiz employees on key points of a course, or to reinforce learning after a longer course or training session is completed.

Short videos

Short videos are another effective tool for bite sized learning. You can use videos to explain complex concepts or to demonstrate how to perform a task. Ensure your videos contain more visual aids than text your employee has to read.


Infographics are a great way to break down complex information into a format that is easy to digest. When you have numerical data to present, choosing the right infographic can go a long way.

Training topics that are a great fit for bite sized learning

While virtually any type of training can be broken down into bite-sized pieces, there are some topics that are particularly well-suited to this approach. Here are some examples:

Company mission and values

The first step to creating a unified company is ensuring that all employees are aware of your organization’s mission and values. And usually you don’t need too many words or long explanations to get the message across, making bite sized learning a perfect approach for communicating it. 

Company policies and procedures

Company policies and procedures can be complex and overwhelming, particularly for new hires. Bite sized learning can help employees understand these policies and procedures in a more manageable way.

Cybersecurity training

Cybersecurity is an essential concern for all businesses, and employees need to be trained on the basics of password security, clean desk policy, and other best practices.

Workplace safety

Employees need to understand the basics of fire exits, slips, trips, and falls, and other safety concerns. Creating bite sized learning to cover these topics makes it easy to refresh and reference back to on a regular basis.

A little info goes a long way

Bite sized learning is a powerful tool that can help you overcome many of the challenges of traditional training programs. And when 80% of employees say that they prefer shorter, more frequent training sessions over long, one-time events, bite size learning is at least worth considering for your company. By breaking down information into smaller, more manageable pieces, you can improve employee engagement and retention.

Key takeaways

  • Bite sized learning breaks down training into smaller, more manageable pieces.
  • Flash cards, short videos, and infographics are examples of bite-sized learning.
  • Mobile and field employees greatly benefit from bite sized training since it can typically be accessed from any device and at any time.
  • You can easily break down your training into bite sized sections using visual aids and condensing only the main points of training with some short and relevant examples.